Saturday, December 29, 2012

My First Guest Blog!

I've been known to make a faux gras, er, faux pas, or two (or three, or four)
One of the most interesting in a sea of Paris-oriented blogs is Paris (im)Perfect, written by a lovely and gifted expat named Sion Dayson. She's a fellow American with literary leanings who has called Paris home for a lot longer than I have, and she always crafts insightful, funny, heartfelt prose that anyone who has lived abroad (or even lived a creative life) can relate to. It was an honor, then, to be invited to post a guest entry for the Paris (im)Perfect "Faux Pas Fridays" series. I was kind of a clear candidate, what with my endless string of missteps just ripe for writing about, but I had a word count to consider so I narrowed it down to just a few.  If you dare, have a read here! The embarrassing foibles run the gamut from inappropriate stomach gurgling to blatant religious insensitivity. A veritable faux-pas feast!

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